In case anybody wants the thesis or is just too lazy to read ... it is ... correctly, solidly ... In essence, ChatGPT is a giant copy-and-paste machine, incapable of original thought. Ergo, Wokeness is a giant copy-and-paste machine, incapable of original thought.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

"That thoughtless, derivative bumph is why I don’t read anything published after the year 2010." !!!

I love this level of sour, as only someone similarly sour can love something so sour.

Now I have to go wash off my fake tan, don't wanna harm a marginalized identity.


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You're evidently getting stiff competition from ChatGPT, which is only making you better. Cheers!

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Was a little concerned there was mercury in the grape drank then. Phew! Panic over.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Mr. Gage, I agree that AI cannot replace a truly great writer. The great writer always leaves something of himself in his work.

No computer can do that.

Now AI could replace 95 percent, am I being to kind at 5 percent, of leftist writers.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Christopher. When the moooooon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns wiiiith mars, then you will finally grok the Megan and Harry.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Do Harry and Megs actually do anything except whinge? Just wondering...

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

Oh that ChatGPT story is glorious! I read another this week but not as funny...our Sensei was in Japan learning more stuff to torture us with, woken at 4am on his first day by an earthquake. Some wit in the club posted an article created by ChatGPT stating Sensei caused the earthquake by training too hard etc etc you can imagine the sort of thing 😆 Fun times it gave us all a laugh....as for Woke, Blur nailed it with Girls and Boys in the 90s "like battery thinkers/count your thoughts/on 1 2 3 4 5 fingers.."

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May 21, 2023Liked by Christopher Gage

GIGO: garbage in garbage out.....it’s the same as it ever was

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The one bright side I can see to ushering in our new idiot machine overlords, is that journalists are going to be first up on the chopping block. Why pay a human to write derivative, hypocritical moral-scold propaganda, when you can get a machine to churn it out at ten times the pace?

It's going to be Nerd Hunger Games in the halls of the NYT, and I am here for it.

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